File Formats
referred file formats are (in order of preference):
- Corel Draw 8,9,10 or 11
- Freehand 8, 9 or 10
- For Business Cards and other small items you may alternatively send a TIFF, BMP or Photoshop file at 300dpi scaled to the exact size of your finished item, with an additional 3mm all the way around if bleed is required.
Setting of Colours and Image Sizes
If you are supplying artwork to be printed in Full Colour (CMYK), please ensure that ALL images, text and other design elements have colours set to CMYK palette and do not contain RGB or Pantone colours.
Similarly, if you are providing artwork to be printed using Pantone Colours (i.e. any other product not printed Full Colour), please choose the Pantone colours you require and set all text and other design elements to those specific colours. There should be no part of your artwork file still set to CMYK or RGB. Please ensure that there are only as many Pantone colours used in the document as you are paying for. (Normally either one or two). We will print your job in the Pantone colours specified in your document unless you advise differently.
All non-vector images (e.g. photos) should be converted to bitmaps at 100% scaling and 300dpi resolution. This means a photo you want to appear on your finished printing at 10cm x 6cm must be set to the exact same size inside your Corel Draw or Freehand document - and have a resolution of 300dpi.
Fonts and Text
Please convert all text to curves / paths.
Layout and Bleed
Please set the page size of your document to the exact correct size as follows:
Business cards should be 85mm x 55mm
Compliments slips should be 99mm x 210mm
A4 leaflets, A4 NCR sets and A4 letterheads should be 210mm x 297mm
A5 leaflets and A5 NCR sets should be 148.5mm x 210mm
Compliments slips should be 99mm x 210mm
If you require the print to run right off the edge of the paper (known as bleeding), you must make sure all design elements which touch the edges of the page are extended by 3mm (i.e. hanging 3mm of the edges of the paper) to allow for slight movement when printing.
Acceptable Artwork Programmes
In the following file types:
- Corel Draw 11 or earlier
- EPS File
- Photoshop CS or earlier (Mac or PC - please "Flatten Image")
- Freehand 10 or earlier (Mac or PC)
- Adobe Illustrator CS or earlier (Mac or PC)
- QuarkXpress 6 or earlier (Mac or PC)
- PageMaker 6.5 or earlier (PC)
- Microsoft Word (PC - all versions)
- Microsoft Publisher 2003 or earlier (PC)
- Serif Page Plus 9 or earlier (PC)
- Serif Draw Plus 7 or earlier (PC)
- Adobe Acrobat PDF (Mac or PC)
More Information: If your program allows it, please convert all text to curves, paths or outlines.