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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

20 Excellent Web Design Tutorials Using Photoshop

Designing is one of the most crucial step of  Web Development. The first thing that leaves an impact on a user is the design layout of a website. Photoshop is the tool of choice of most of the Web Designers. In photoshop, we can create almost evrything from small buttons and boxes to complete layouts and illustrations. Keeping that in mind, i have summed up 20 step by step tutorials that can help you in mastering website layout designing using Photoshop.

1. Design a Professional Portfolio Web Layout

2. 1st Photoshop Web Design Professional Layout Tutorial

3. Create a company/business web layout using Photoshop

4. Design a Beautiful Website From Scratch

5. Create a clean PSD layout with a 3D look

6. How to design a professional website for your school, college or university

7. Create a Grungy, Translucent Web Portfolio Design

8. How To Create a Clean and Colorful Web Layout – Photoshop Tutorial

9. Create a Clean and Effective Product Layout

10. Design a realistic website layout in Photoshop

11. Learn how to create nice portfolio/showcase website layout in Photoshop

12. Watercolored Design Studio Blog Layout

13. Gaming Layout

14. Portfolio Layout

15. Making your own portfolio web page

16. Design a web 2.0 wordpress theme

17. Create green energy website in Photoshop

18. Photoshop a Paper Texture from Scratch then Create a Grungy Web Design with it!

19. How to Create a Grunge Web Design in Photoshop

20. Awesome Portfolio Design

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